Storytelling I (Online)

Are you curious about storytelling? Would you like to learn from the comfort of your own home?  This beginners’ course will help you to discover the basics of what makes an engaging tale and how to tell one, without notes!  We’ll use folktales as a starting point, to learn principles which you can apply to any other story. You will discover your strengths as you work in partners and small groups. Every class, you will tell a story and in every class, you will get supportive feedback. Each week, you will learn about a new aspect of storytelling through lecture, discussion and hands-on experience.

Lynn is a patient and experienced instructor who knows how to make an online class fun. A professional storyteller herself, she has told stories to everyone from toddlers to seniors, indulging in her passion for folktales and for stories from Canadian history.

Storytelling I (In-Person)

Do you love stories, but hesitate to tell them to others? Could you use some help in getting started within a warm and supportive environment? Then sign up for our weekend, Storytelling I: First Steps Into the Art of Storytelling. You’ll develop listening skills, gain confidence, learn how to give and receive feedback.

Anansi Spins His Web (Online)

What do you know of Anansi, the Spider?  Come and discover more about this clever/foolish African folk hero—his many names, his origins and his influence in today’s world. 

With Kesha, you will learn about Anansi through group discussion, but mainly by telling and listening to his wonderful stories.

The Power of a Well-Told Tale (Online)

This course starts with a deep dive into the power of traditional stories to illustrate how the structure, imagery and language of folk tales can help us to frame and shape our own personal narratives of modern experience.  Using stories brought by participants, we apply time-honoured techniques  to charm and captivate contemporary listeners, be they in a theatre setting or across the kitchen table.

Queering My Story: An Introduction to Telling Stories About Being LGBTQ2S+ (Online)

Are you interested in learning how to turn a memory or anecdote into a more substantial story about your life as a member of the LGBTQ2S+ community or an ally? Jeffrey Canton has been telling personal stories for nearly 30 years as well as teaching ways to give them the shape and power they deserve. Now you can join him for this “teaser” for his course, Voices Seldom Heard: Telling and Preserving LGBTQ2S+ stories that Storytelling Toronto will be offering later this fall. Participants should bring a photograph, a small object or piece of memorabilia that you connect with your being LGBTQ2S+