Events Listing

Storytelling II (Online)

If you’ve already taken a beginner’s storytelling course*, and would like to widen your repertoire, develop your confidence, and have more opportunities for telling, Storytelling II: Next Steps is for you. You will choose a personal or traditional story you want to work on and have the opportunity to hone your storytelling skills through practices including, story mapping, role playing and connecting with voice. Each participant will have a chance to tell their story and receive constructive and helpful feedback.
PREREQUISITE: Storytelling I: First Steps Into the Art of Storytelling OR equivalent experience.

Improv for Storytellers (Online)

This two-session workshop will focus on guided improv exercises to help you build confidence in your storytelling ability and loosen your inhibitions. Through a variety of interactive games and exercises, you’ll gain inspiration to be more spontaneous, find your authentic voice, and as a result, develop a deeper connection with any story, personal or traditional, that you choose to work on in the future. You’ll learn how to take risks and fail–but gracefully, and with wild abandon. And you’ll have fun!