Storytelling is an art form, and storytellers develop their art over all the years they tell stories. This course offers experienced tellers a chance to work on a challenging story with other alike tellers. The story may be traditional, contemporary or personal. Participants will come to the course with a story (or possibly two) with the clear intention to work through their story – responding to and discussing it – with other participants under the guidance of Master Storyteller Celia Lottridge. The course will culminate in a Gala Concert with an invited audience.
Prerequisite: Interested tellers who wish to talk with Celia about the Master Class are invited to email her to arrange a conversation
Course Instructor: Celia Lottridge
Course Fee: $339.00
Course Dates:
About Celia Lottridge:
Celia Lottridge is a teller of traditional and original stories to adults and children. She is a co-founder of Storytelling Toronto, co-founder and former director of Parent-Child Mother Goose and author of many award-winning children’s books including re-tellings of folktales and novels based on family stories. Her collection Ten Small Tales is considered by many storytellers to be the finest source of folktales for young children published in Canada.
The deadline to register for this course is Monday November 11, 2024 at 4pm.